A Symbol of Love
Diamonds from Ashes or Hair
crafted in Switzerland cherished in Australia
The ALGORDANZA Memorial Diamond is also known as an ash diamond or cremation diamond and is grown from the cremation ashes or hair of a lost loved one.

A Symbol of Love
Memorial diamonds aren’t just about science—they’re deeply personal and emotional. They serve as a tangible connection to your loved one, something you can hold onto and cherish forever. Many find comfort in knowing that a piece of their loved one is always with them, embodied in something as timeless and resilient as a diamond.
Grief can be isolating, but having a memorial diamond can provide a sense of connection and continuity. It’s a physical reminder that the love and memories shared are still very much alive.

Your Personal Memorial Diamond
The ALGORDANZA Memorial Diamond reflects the uniqueness of a loved one. Memorial diamonds created by Algordanza shine in exceptional blueish shades due to the element boron found in our bodies and subsequently in the cremation ashes. A unique rough diamond is created solely from 100% of the cremation ashes or hair of your loved one.
You can choose your preferred carbon source, size and cut of the memorial diamond. We can also create multiple diamonds from the cremation ashes or hair.

Turning Ashes into Diamonds
So, what exactly are memorial diamonds? Simply put, they are diamonds created from the carbon extracted from a loved one’s ashes or hair. The process is similar to how natural diamonds are formed, involving high temperatures and pressure, but it happens much faster in a controlled laboratory environment.
The journey of creating a memorial diamond starts with the collection of ashes or hair from the deceased. The carbon is extracted, then placed in a high-pressure, high-temperature (HPHT) machine, replicating the natural conditions deep within the Earth where diamonds form.
A symbol of endless love and remembrance.
Next to the traditional burial the demand for cremation is increasing steadily worldwide. The cremated remains are then often stored in a graveyard or, where the law allows it, the ashes are scattered in nature. An ALGORDANZA Pure Memorial Diamond is a unique alternative or addition to the traditional urn interment.
In cases where a traditional burial is desired or culturally required, the ALGORDANZA Hair Memorial Diamond is a unique way to remember a loved one while still having a traditional burial.
We extract carbon from the cremation ashes or hair that is 99.9% pure and using this carbon to turn your loved one into a Memorial Diamond.
Your Personal Memorial Diamond
Carbon is the element of life. Choose the preferred carbon source for your unique ALGORDANZA Memorial Diamond:
The ALGORDANZA Pure Memorial Diamond is created solely from the carbon isolated from the cremated remains. At least 500g of cremated remains are needed for the creation of a diamond. If a memorial diamond company needs less than 500g of ashes, then generic carbon is being used to create the desired size. Algordanza guarantees that your memorial diamond is made of 100% of your loved one’s ashes.
In cases where not enough cremated remains or hair are available, a third carbon source can be added. As a third carbon source personal letters, diaries or pictures, which are in direct connection to the deceased person, can be used.
Memorial Diamond Colour, Cuts & Clarity
The cutting of a diamond is a craft, since only the exact proportions of the diamond are able to unleash the exceptional sparkling. We entrust your personal memorial diamond only to expert gem cutters to cut it by hand. Choose your preferred cut or decide for a rough diamond – as the diamond uniquely formed itself.
The cutting of a diamond is a craft. We engage expert gem cutters to cut your diamond by hand releasing the sparkle. Choose your preferred cut or leave your diamond rough as it uniquely formed.
Uncut (Rough)
Uncut (Rough)
Uncut (Rough)
The size of a memorial diamond is determined by its weight in carats. The larger the diamond the longer the duration of the growth process. Diamond size is at your request. Use the accompanying size chart to select your size.
Weight | Ø | |
0.3 carat | 4.3 mm | |
0.4 carat | 4.7 mm | |
0.5 carat | 5.1 mm | |
0.6 carat | 5.4 mm | |
0.7 carat | 5.7 mm | |
0.8 carat | 5.9 mm | |
0.9 carat | 6.2 mm | |
1.0 carat | 6.4 mm |
Brilliant Cut |
3 x 0.15 carat |
Brilliant Cut |
4 x 0.15 carat |
Brilliant Cut |
3 x 0.2 carat |
Rough (Uncut) |
3 x 0.2 carat |
Rough (Uncut) |
2 x 0.25 carat |
Algordanza is the only memorial diamond company who guarantees that your personal diamond is made of 100% of your loved one’s ashes or hair.
We do not add generic carbon, or artificially colour any memorial diamonds.
The shade of blue is determined by the amount of boron contained in the ashes or hair. The more boron present produces a darker colour, similarly less amounts of boron produce a lighter colour.
The Algordanza Memorial Diamond sparkles in different hues of blue. Each diamond glints in its own unique blueish shade which is a personal unique reflection of your loved one.
In 2003 Algordanza developed a very high quality purification process to extract carbon from cremated ashes. ALGORDANZA continually strives for excellence to maintain their superior standards. Our process creates carbon that is 99.99% pure which grows beautiful colourless to blue diamonds.
More than 80% of all Algordanza diamonds have a clarity value of VS1 or above.
Laser Inscription
Each ALGORDANZA Memorial Diamond made from ashes or hair is inscribed with the ALGORDANZA signet and its unique reference number. Additionally, a personal inscription may be engraved on a rough diamond only at an extra cost (max. 30 characters).
How a Diamond is made from Ashes or Hair
Cremation and Cremated Remains
Carbon - the Element of Life
Carbon - Hair or Personal Items
Hair consists of around 50% carbon. If not enough cremated remains or hair are available, a third carbon source such as a personal letter, diary or a picture of the deceased can be used to isolate enough carbon for the synthesis of at least one memorial diamond.
Isolation of Carbon
To create a diamond, a multistage chemical process is necessary. Oxidic and possible metallic constituents of the cremated remains are removed wet chemically and the high-carbon indissoluble residue is isolated through filtration.
Growing Cell
The isolated carbon is the foundation for the subsequent diamond synthesis. The carbon is assembled into a special growing cell. The growing cell creates the perfectly isolated surrounding for the undisturbed growth of a memorial diamond in our HPHT-machine.
The growing cell is meticulously set into the HPHT-press. HPHT signifies High Pressure High Temperature. Our HPHT-presses are constructed specifically for ALGORDANZA's necessities and weighs more than 14 tons each.
Diamond Growth
The growing cell is exposed to a pressure of around 60'000 bar and a temperature of 1'400°C inside of the HPHT-machines. The larger the diamond should be, the longer the growing cell stays in the press; the duration of the growth process determines the size of the diamond.
Rough Diamond
At the end of the calculated duration of growth for the requested diamond size the growing cell is removed from the press. Inside of the cell core, in molten metal, the newly grown memorial diamond - so called rough diamond - is embedded.
Cut and Polish
According to the family's request the memorial diamond will be cut or handed over as a polished rough diamond. Cutting and polishing a diamond is a real craft and only made by experienced experts by hand. If the memorial diamond is requested as rough diamond, solely the abrasive start face of the diamond is polished.
Laser Inscription
Each hair or ashes diamond is engraved with a small laser inscription on the diamond's girdle. The laser inscription consists of the unique reference number of the order. On request an individual message can be engraved additionally to the reference number.
Each ALGORDANZA Memorial Diamond is handed over with a certificate, giving information about origin of the carbon, authenticity as well as other specific characteristics of the memorial diamond. Each certificate is signed by Rinaldo Willy, founder of ALGORDANZA.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Yes, the ALGORDANZA memorial diamond is a real diamond. It has the same chemical, physical and optical properties as natural diamond. In our manufactory in Domat/Ems we simulate the natural development conditions. This is how your ALGORDANZA memorial diamond always grows in an individual and unique way.
According to the ISO International Standard 18323 (2015), the memorial diamond grown at ALGORDANZA corresponds to a “laboratory-grown diamond”.
No – the size of the diamond depends on the duration of the growth process in our HPHT presses. The longer the memorial diamond stays in the growth phase, the larger it becomes.
On average, the cremation of an adult human being generates 2’500 g of ashes. We need at least 500 g of these ashes for the synthesis of a cremation diamond.
During cremation, the majority of carbon escapes as carbon dioxide. Inside the cremation ashes remains a carbon concentration of 1-5%. We are able to extract the carbon from the cremation ashes. This carbon will be the basis for the following diamond synthesis of a cremation diamond.
For the creation of a hair diamond we need at least 5g of hair.
Personal letters, a diary or picture of the deceased person. The personal item along with the amount of ashes or hair available will be the basis for the synthesis of this unique remembrance diamond.
With our certificate, we guarantee the authenticity, weight, cut and colour of the diamond as well as the origin of the diamond from the carbon source given to us.
Yes, we are able to create more than one diamond from the requested carbon source. We can specify the number of possible diamonds after detailed analyses of the source in our laboratory.
The synthesis takes approximately 5-8 months from the receipt of the carbon source and deposit of the prepayment. The synthesis of a diamond is a highly complex process and in some cases it can take more time.
Yes – the age of the ashes or hair is not relevant for the synthesis.
About Us
At Algordanza Australia, we are committed to helping families create lasting and meaningful tributes to their loved ones. We do this through the artistry of cremation diamonds. Algordanza originated in Switzerland and pioneered the creation of beautiful diamonds from cremated remains. People all over the world have now found a memorial diamond a unique way to preserve the memory of a loved one.
Algordanza Australia is proudly led by Troy and Liddy Upfield, the experienced and compassionate principals of Chapter House Funerals and Wooling Hill Memorial Estate, along with Robyn Saba, whose commitment to excellence in the memorial services industry has been invaluable. We bring a wealth of knowledge and care, ensuring that each family’s experience is handled with sensitivity, respect, and professionalism. Whether you’re exploring the creation of a memorial diamond or seeking support in other aspects of remembrance, we are here to guide you through the process with empathy and understanding.
ALGORDANZA is Rhaeto-Romanic and means in the historic Swiss language ‘remembrance’. Since 2004 we have been creating the Diamonds made from ashes and hair in our own laboratory in Domat/Ems, Switzerland.
We are dedicated to helping individuals remember the precious moments spent with a lost loved one. The highly complex creation process of a Memorial diamond is the outcome of our efforts to create something everlasting and deeply personal.
The idea to isolate carbon from human cremation ashes and create from this carbon a Memorial Diamond arose in 2003. The following year was filled with many trials, hard work and perseverance. Since 2004, Algordanza has operated as a solid and steadily growing company. We are represented in over 33 countries today.
Our Memorial Diamonds
The ALGORDANZA Memorial Diamond is solely made from the carbon isolated from the carbon source handed over to us. After growing the diamond according to your wishes each gemstone is controlled and the ALGORDANZA authenticity certificate is issued. The Memorial Diamond is a real diamond grown in our laboratory.
Our Values
We understand that you are entrusting us with something incredibly valuable. The reverence of a loved one is at the center of our attention. We work with the utmost respect and care, in order to satisfy the trust placed in us by family members all over the world.
Our Care
Upon reception of your order a unique reference number is generated, which allows us to supervise the entire process from ashes reception, to the isolation of the carbon, to the finished memorial diamond. Additionally it helps us to guarantee discretion throughout the process. The ALGORDANZA ashes to diamonds process is ISO-certified and attested by a Swiss notary public.
Our company is member of the Swiss Association of Funeral Services and commits voluntarily to the standards and ethics of the Swiss, German and Austrian funeral associations. Additionally, we are a member of the European Federation of Funeral Services (EFFS) and the World Organization of Funeral Operatives (FIAT-IFTA).
For all information, appointments and pricing, contact us!
Call us
Algordanza Australia: +61 (03) 5426 1333
All Email Enquiries – enquiries@algordanza.com.au
Galleries open Monday to Friday 10am to 4pm
For an Algordanza consultant to be available please arrange an appointment on +61 (03) 5426 1333, use our contact form or write to enquiries@algordanza.com.au
Algordanza @ Wooling Hill Memorial Estate
372 Barringo Road,
New Gisborne VIC 3438
Algordanza @ Michael Wilson Diamond Jewellers
725 Main Road, Eltham VIC 3095